The department of Physiology and Biochemistry was established in the year 2018 since the inception of the college with its unique vision and mission. Physiology Including Biochemistry is a preclinical subject under UG programme of the institution. The department of Physiology and Biochemistry consists of experienced faculty with supportive staff. It consists of well-equipped laboratory the good infrastructure facility.

Physiology is the science that studies functions in living organisms-how the various parts of the body normally work, and how their activities are regulated, coordinated and integrated for maintaining the well-being of the organism as a whole. To a homoeopath, the human organism is an integrated whole of body, life and mind and there can be no symptoms of disease without vital force, animating the human organism which is deranged in disease

Physiology shall be taught from the stand point of describing physical processes underlying them in health. Biochemistry helps to integrate molecular events with structure and functions of human body in health and disease

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Dr. A Vincer George

Dr. Tom Alexander

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